The Final Mile

We finally made it! We had a fairly smooth ride all the way there. We took in some beautiful sites along the way, and admired the strength of our calm cat the entire trip. She is the real MVP for not crying the whole time. Thanks for making this drive bearable, Cocoa.

It’s really amazing to see the ocean and mountains on a daily basis. It still hasn’t sunk in that we traveled across the country a few days ago. We’ve already gotten to see a few locations out here, and the job hunt continues. I’m still working full-time remotely until my new job comes through. Melissa is acing all her phone screens and gearing herself for technical calls and on-site visits. We’ll be settled in very soon, we’re sure.

A couple weeks in, I was able to get a contract role with Tradeshift doing IT engineering for their headquarters. This gave me a chance to see downtown a bit more, and learn how to use the Bart. This city is really interesting. There’s a ton of homeless people around, there are tons of noticeable tourists, people seem more accepting and tolerant, and the area is actually pretty small when you think about it. I recognized places we saw when we ran the Nike race a year ago. We’ll be locals before you know it.

We’ve also gotten very acquainted with hills, and they are getting a lot easier to traverse every day. And we got to see Hilary Clinton at a rally- we’re definitely not in Indiana anymore, and we’re glad about it. Riding up on the Bay Bridge for that final mile made my heart skip a little. I couldn’t believe that we had actually done it. It’s another one of those feelings I’ll never forget.

Pack Up The Cat

We’re getting closer and closer to our move date. With all the interviews we’ve gotten, it feels like this is meant to be, and we aren’t too afraid to pull the trigger. It’s still a bit scary, but it’s do or die time now. Never has a leap of faith felt so good. We are serious about improving our lives, and Indiana just isn’t giving us that opportunity. So it’s time to go.


We’ve gotten just about all the pieces together:
Truck rented – Penske gave us a great deal after I drove a hard bargain against Uhaul’s “lower” prices.

Route mapped– Melissa came up with the optimal route based on ease of terrain and rest stops/gas stations.

Interviews scheduled in person– We’re confident all these phone screens and Skype interviews will materialize into on-site final interviews.

Hotels reserved– Cocoa is a very particular traveler… she only likes certain hotels (ours has an acceptable pet policy).
Air Bnb locked in for a couple weeks– We’ll be staying in an Air Bnb for a couple weeks until our interviews come through. It’ll be great to allow us to settle in.
Cat meds prepared for a bumpy ride– Our biggest worry is that she’ll be crying the whole time. So the vet recommended some sedatives and motion sickness pills. We’ve also go a great carrier to sit her in for the whole ride.

Expect pictures in a later post!

Guys Guide to Valentine’s Day

The Chicago Bears aren’t in this year’s upcoming SuperBowl…

As a die hard fan, there are only a few things that can possibly be worse than that. But I’m willing to bet that many of you guys out there will be watching the big game, and after you awaken from your buffalo wing induced coma, you’ll realize that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.

Fret not, gentlemen. It always seems to come early, so you’re not alone in nearly forgetting this year. If it weren’t for the heart decor and chocolate covered aisles in the grocery store (which went up straight after New Years), you’d be finding yourself seated at Red Lobster with your lady. While we’re on the topic of food, make sure you get a reservation at least 3 weeks in advance. I speak from experience; I hate being shut down by those snarky hostesses that remind you they were booked last year. They don’t care about you, Mr. Last Minute.

I’m not saying Red Lobster is the bottom of the barrel; I’d wait 45 minutes for those biscuits, who wouldn’t? However, there’s nothing like coming into a nice restaurant with your table ready.  Emphasis on nice: research the 4-5 star dining locations in your area. Chances are, the top tier places were booked a month ago, so get on Open Table, read reviews and make a reservation.

You should also plan an activity for the day. Many options exist, and it really takes just a quick Google search. Try to pick something your significant other would enjoy. If there’s an NBA game going on that weekend, and they love sports, think about getting tickets. If they are interested in art, perhaps an intimate evening painting or sculpting with a bottle of wine on the side would be nice. If your region is a bit warmer, a trip to the beach with a picnic might do the trick. There are also places that offer dance lessons as a holiday deal, so I’d look to Groupon for local activities. Speaking of Groupon, there are lots of getaways too. A couple nights in a bed and breakfast or  hotel could be a nice change of scenery for the both of you.

Last but not least, the gift. Make sure you order her favorite flowers a couple weeks before Valentine’s Day. This is a hugely busy time for flower deliveries, and you want to make sure they get there on time. Again, think about what they like. There is no catch all item that will win the day. Typically, the trinity of chocolates, stuffed animals and flowers work just fine. And if that’s all you’ve got, don’t worry- but take time to write a meaningful message in the card.

Remember that the thought that goes into the weekend is what’s most important. Some people don’t have anyone special to bring them flowers. Make sure your loved one feels loved.


Below are a few key points you don’t want to forget:

-Don’t Manziel your way through the evening, scrambling around pressed for time. Give you and your lady a couple hours to get dressed, apply makeup, etc.

-Clean your car. Come on, McDonalds bags and empty water bottles littered across the back seat just looks bad.

-Pop a time on Open Table to hold a reservation while you browse around.

-City dining spots will usually have valet. It makes the evening flow nicely, especially if it’s snowing like it was for me last year.

-Have a back up plan for time constraints, and keep the phone number on hand and call if you’ll be a little late. It’s common courtesy.

24th Birthday

What a great day. I had to dive into the creek to save the love of my life. Now that’s a story that sounds better than it really was. But I like to think I saved her life. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

Nike Fuel Band – Cake – Eagle’s Nest Dinner – Kayaking – Sparkly Pumps – Paddle Yoga

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