The Donald

How the f*ck did this happen?!

Well simple, there are racists, there are misogynists, there are… assholes. They all voted, can you believe that? What does this mean for our future children? How is it that the media impacted the election in such a major way ?

We’ve been scratching our heads over this. I for one am a bit cynical when it comes to journalism leading up to this night, but I’m also an optimist. So my hope was that America would make the right, no brainer choice. Melissa is a bit more a realist when it comes to these things. She’s shared some amazing articles via regarding women’s and feminists’ feelings on this election year. Stuff that really open my eyes to the everyday struggles women experience at the hands of these idiotic Trump supporters. The shared sentiment is that this megalomaniacal narcissist will win the election. Not because he’s good at playing the “real” candidate card, but because many others share his racist views. And unfortunately, they outnumber the sensible people in this country.


Analyzing the numbers, we saw that mostly white people voted for Trump… I mean that’s no surprise. The debates did nothing, and were fairly pointless in swaying voters. But even when you break it down a bit further, we had bitter Bernie butt hurts upset that “crooked Hillary” earned the democratic nomination, reportedly write in Harambe or Paul Ryan or Chuck Norris or JoJo from Good Times a few thousand times. This is why we can’t have nice things.

So we have racists to thank for this. We’d also thank dumbasses who wrote in non-sensical candidates if they had half a brain to realize the irony in their selections. But I for one would definitely thank the news media for ruining this election year with it’s literal one-sided coverage. Regardless of how negative some of that coverage was, it was overwhelmingly helpful press. Supporters saw him get bashed on TV, and they came to the rescue by voting. Undecided voters got too much of him, and thought the most important person must be the guy on TV all the time.

There were numbers showing that more than 75% of stories were Trump related- CNN wanted ratings. NBC has already been in Trump’s pocket- The Apprentice, a show that pedestaled Trump’s persona as this great man for all the rednecks to look up too. Fox.. well they just follow the Republican. So there was no chance for Clinton aside from the small, smart articles that spoke the truth about this sham of an election. The failure of quality journalism, and the failure of people to seek out quality journalism is part to blame for all this.

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We’ll need to fully digest this crap sandwich over the next few days. We honestly need to think about how we’ll raise a black kid in a world that could be rocked by this presidency. Being in California, we may not see a whole lot of fallout, but I still worry about people around me. I don’t want to keep checking over my shoulder for someone who thinks I or some of my coworkers don’t belong here.

The joke is over. It actually happened. Now we’ll see how the world handles this.


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